Pandemic Wisdom from Prison

Prison Fence Shining Bright

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Everywhere you turn, the news is all over the board with information about this pandemic. While the media continue with the common phrase said over and over again, ‘facts not fear’, very few highlight the other side of this awfulness. Some television stations are running 30 second ‘ad’ spots meant to create calmness and positive affirmations. And, businesses are praising their own essential employees, specifically nurses with commercials. So, outside of commercials how are other businesses helping to nurture positivity in their employees onsite? Well, that is where pandemic wisdom from prison comes in…motivational quotes.

Those who guard the convicted criminals in county, state and federal prisons are left out of the mainstream media thanks. Perhaps it is because the job is seen as non-glamorous. Could it be that nobody understands what these prison guards aka correctional officers do daily to help protect us? While on the broader side of the spectrum, nobody seems to care. However, there is pandemic wisdom circulated daily inside the barbed-wired fence prison that is helping to create some positive vibes for all staff there.

Informational Bulletins

My husband is a corrections officer in one of the worst hit states in the country. Not only that, he works in the prison that at one point had the highest staff on quarantine, and the most positive cases for inmates statewide – that was at the beginning of this awful pandemic. So what did the specific prison do about it?

Pandemic Wisdom (Quotes) from Prison Pin

The executive team shares daily, factual Covid-19 updates about the prison situation so officers are not guided by social media rumors. Informational one-pagers breakdown positive cases and the number of those quarantined both staff and inmates for that location as well as statewide. In addition, there is helpful info about taking extra precautions along with warning messages about social media. Last but not least, quotes of encouragement and wisdom to help set a positive mindset for those in these thankless positions. Some are quotes from famous individuals and some are just phrases.

This fits in with my weekly social media Tuesday Tells & Tattles quotes so I thought it to be a no-brainer to share the pandemic wisdom from prison given daily, Monday through Friday. The quotes and messages are communicated to help officers and staff get through this very difficult tough time. I believe we can all use these quotes of encouragement, don’t you?

Prison Wisdom Quotes

Once you choose hope, anything is possible.

Christopher Reeve

It’s our own attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome.

William James

Nothing can dim the light which shines from within.

Maya Angelou

Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create.

Roy T. Bennett

Worry is like a rocking chair: It gives you something to do but never gets you anywhere.

Erma Bombeck

You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.

Marcus Aurelius, Philosopher

Regardless of the toll these days have already taken, now is the time to give yourself grace.

Joyce Marter, Photographer

It takes no more time to see the good side of life than to see the bad.

Jimmy Buffet

Look for something positive in each day, even if some days you have to look a little harder.

Brian Ford

One of the best lessons you can learn in life is to master how to remain calm.

Catherine Pulsifer

Don’t let the circumstances of your life dictate how you feel. A good mood doesn’t have to depend on external conditions. Peace of mind comes the moment you choose to be peaceful with any situation.

David Lin

You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.

A. A. Milne Christopher Robin

Start by doing what’s necessary, then do what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

Saint Francis of Assisi

Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.

Dr. Maya Angelou

Every day might not be good but there is good in every day.

Alice Morse Earle

Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.

Zig Ziglar

A negative mind will never give you a positive life.

Ziad K. Abdelnour 

Be informed not obsessed.

Troy Amdahl

Prison Wisdom Phrases

Focus on the good.

Be the bright spot in someones day.

Better things are coming.

During trying times, we must behave with our minds, and not our emotions.

Everyday is a new beginning. Take a deep breath, smile and start again.

unknown, who cares, great lines

Essential Workers

The media is really focusing on those essential workers who work in hospitals, specifically nurses. I realize it is ‘Nurses Week’ but there are many other essential workers that are in harms way who are on different front lines, the ones we never think of normally. This list is really comprised of the ‘heroes’ that we normally don’t realize they are during this time:

  • grocery store workers
  • gas station attendants
  • service industry technicians (cable/internet/satellite)
  • construction workers
  • those who make deliveries (USPS, FedEx, UPS, etc.)
  • truck drivers
  • warehouse workers
  • food service
  • public transportation workers
  • prison guards/correctional officers and all staff


If anything, I hope the pandemic wisdom from prison puts a smile on your face. The quotes are so positive, healthy, and for some motivating. All essential businesses and their employees are working hard during this crisis. Let’s not forget about the secondary essential ones.

all the best, *judean*

ps: I hit my breaking point last week and did a little ‘rant’ about it. I believe everyone is really essential…some are just more than others.

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  1. Wow! This was a great read. Very informative and inspirational. Thanks for the quotes and for sharing. God bless.

  2. I love the way you collect all the quotes that I somehow, need to read RIGHT when I see them. They help focus on the positive instead of the negative. Also, correctional officers, grocery store workers, delivery, truck drivers – all extremely important! It would be nice if they got some credit too, thank you for giving it!

  3. Interesting read. I love hearing perspectives we don’t hear about frequently. Great quotes

  4. This is such an insightful read, I think many people may have a little more empathy for those in a captive state now that many of us have also felt that isolation to a certain extent. It can and does take a toll.

  5. I appreciate this post as I have friends who work in prisons, and people don’t know how hard it can be on just a normal Tuesday. I know Covid is making a tough environment tougher so I’m glad that someone is thinking to encourage the staff on a regular basis. Hats off to all those who are doing the things that will help us get through this pandemic.

  6. Great post! I love all the inspirational quotes and your focus on all our heroic front-line workers, not limited to just nurses. We have so many fine Americans sacrificing and adapting through this pandemic.

  7. Sorry… not sure if my first comment saved as my phone has been acting up today… dropped and never to be the same 😞

    Loved the article! The wuotes are especially meaningful with so many people feeling the mental strain during this pandemic.

  8. This is great! I love the quotes and will be pinning this to share with others. So many people are suffering from added mental strain due to this pandemic. As an “essential service worker” myself, it has not been easy. Wishing your husband good health.

  9. WOW I never thought about the prison population during this pandemic! Thank you for sharing about you husband the inspiring quotes to get through this situation!

  10. Wow this was a fantastic read. I guess I hadn’t put much thought into how this effects the prison systems. Great insight.

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