Can Exercise Be Fun? YES, it can.

Exercise Tools

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How many people really think exercise is fun and easy? I have been exercising for 25 years and if someone asked me if it is fun the answer would be never! However, say what you want, exercise is not only a stress reliever but necessary for our health and wellness. In the world of HR, it is so important.

My Exercise Journey

My journey with exercise began in college. I started going to the campus gym and did my own workout routine with classmates. After graduation, I joined a gym doing exercise classes like step aerobics, kickboxing, and cardio. That transformed into jogging on the treadmill. Realizing it was time for a change, I started group personal training/boot camp type classes.

I started running races.  If you would have asked me in high school if I would ever start running as exercise, I would have bet my life the answer to that would be a hell no!! My main form of exercise for the past 7 years has been running and group boot camp style classes. In time, circumstances happen and the need for change is evident. This was that time for me.


The Burnout won!
Read about how the Burnout Won!

Change doesn’t come easy. Especially, when you are used to a certain level of exercise. It was time for me to make a change. Based on my career choices and flexible work schedule, I could no longer afford a membership to my favorite boot camp group personal training classes.

For the past couple of months, I have been running a lot and mixing it up with running trails and track races. It has been a long time since I’ve lifted any weights or did anything regarding bodyweight type activity. When I get into that exercise lull, it is very difficult to come out of but I think I just figured out a way to do so and make it fun and easy!

Easy Fun Dice

Squishy Exercise Ball with Jump Rope
Foam Exercise Ball with a
Jump Rope (not included)

About two years ago I found this really cool foamy shape thing. It has 12 sides on it with many different exercises listed. For most of them, you don’t need anything but a jump rope. This is the exact one that I used today. Pretty simple huh?  I have had this for a long time and always thought it would be cool to take on vacation, play with my nephew’s, or just use for a brief impromptu, easy workout. Today was that day.

Two Months Too Long

It’s been about two months since I’ve done anything exercise-related outside of running, walking, and biking. So, this morning I picked this bad boy up and decided I’m going to roll it five times today and do what it says. Now for those of you who know me, you can laugh and say I’m much more capable of doing more than 5 times, but it’s been 2 months and you got to start back somewhere. I was excited about it because you don’t know what you’re going to get.

Today’s 5-roll workout was fun, and I still got a little tired. This is what I rolled for today

  • 1-minute plank: This is something I have done in the past, but I was worried because it has been a while – but I did it!
  • 15 pushups: On my knees of course because I have never been that strong to do a straight-up one.
  • Water break: Yes! Out of the 12 options, there is one water break…woohoo. I didn’t need it but took it just because! I probably should have re-rolled at this point but it is the first day!
  • 10 jump squats: These are really hard for me especially since I haven’t done them in about 2 months. I jumped 10 on one side 10 on the other. My knees were making beautiful music, but I think in time that will diminish like it always does. Darn runner knees!
  • 1-minute jump rope: This was perhaps the hardest one for me because that is a long time! I did it with 2 feet, then switched to ‘running’ through one foot at a time and switched it up.

As you can see, I changed some of these options to best fit me. So here are some suggestions for beginner, intermediate, and advanced options for using this fun exercise tool.


Lower the number of reps or time it suggests. If it says 1-minute plank, try 30 seconds. If it says 15 pushups either do them on your knees or do 5 or 10 push-ups instead. You can also do both! You can also choose how many times you want to roll this foamy squishy thing. Start out at 3 rolls, 5 rolls, etc. You really have control here so just know that you’re always aiming higher every day, week, month.


The polyurethane fitness exercise dice pictured above is the one I used for my workout. You can do the exact number of reps and/or time listed. Choose to roll it 10 times or repeat the 5 times you roll. Each roll you can do as many times as you like…three or five times before rolling again. I think you get the picture.


I don’t need to tell you how to do anything. You’ve been doing this regularly so however you choose to utilize this foam squishy thing is up to you. Some suggestions, although I’m not at this level by any means, would be if you roll a 1-minute plank then lift one arm and the opposite leg to make it really hard for that minute. Or, you can do the plank for longer, like 2, 3, or 4 minutes. I know people who can do that! Not me though…not yet.

You can modify any workout to what you can do but make sure to challenge yourself. The beauty of this foam squishy thing is the surprise factor.

How many times have you wanted to start a workout routine but just never got there? Three weeks ago, I tried doing a 24-minute DVD workout. I did it for 2 days in one week. Because I also run and I haven’t done these types of exercises in a long time, I was sore and tired. Yes, for only two 24-minute workouts. So, I realized I should just start out slow. Then the idea came to me…using this funky squishy thing can make it easy and fun again – I think I have just figured out how to have fun at a budget price!

Thoughts? I would love to hear them!

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All the best… *judean*

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  1. I love this exercise “toy!” I currently can’t work out due to a car accident I was in years ago. I’m still waiting to have more surgeries so I can get back to my normal activities, (this included running 5-6 miles for breakfast) and then the workout, but I will have to get this! What a great idea!

  2. This is awesome! I definitely think that exercise can be fun, but it’s too easy to get into boring exercise routines. This is really cool!

    1. You can actually roll real dice to determine how many times to roll the exercise dice – that would make it even more interesting.

  3. Slow & easy always gets the prize. I am pretty old school when it comes to traditional exercise (a yogi here 🙂 ) Cardio is my nemesis and one that I have to talk myself into LOL.

  4. I like the idea of using the dice to help come up with a workout. I have a HIIT game that is pretty fun and challenging. It is a similar idea, cards that have different movements and it makes a workout for you!

  5. I love the dice! It looks so much more fun rolling that dice than stopping to read what I should be doing next. I will have to check that out! Thank you 🙂

  6. I haven’t done a ton past biking, walking and hiking after a shoulder injury on the slopes in the spring. I can totally feel you about getting back into it. Over the last month or so, I’ve been adding back in weights and more intense cardio and it’s definitely important to work your way back up when it’s been a while. Love the dice idea for some fun variety – I think it could be a great way to include kids too!

    1. Sounds like you are well of your way to full recovery! I am struggling still from taking a long hiatus – but slowly working back at it!

  7. What a great idea! We have spent a lot of time figuring out our workouts, printing them and figuring out what to do when! This would be great for travelling!

  8. Nice! I’ve always hated exercise, but being at my heaviest ever after my 3rd child, I want to take some of your tips when I start working out in a couple of weeks.

    1. Me too – it may be the word too – it just sounds awful. Sometimes you have to make things fun—this is definitely a way to do so! Good luck Amy!

    1. I am not a doctor but I believe so – walking, for instance, doesn’t raise your heart rate up as much as running would. In the exercise ball case, you can lower the amount of time or reps – you can modify each exercise too!

  9. That’s such a great idea! I think that would encourage me to work out more for sure. I just hope there’s not a “burpee” option on there! LOL

  10. Clever! I’ve never seen this. I am a walker, period. Arthritis growing in my knees, so some of this would be modified, but this looks like an exercise boredom buster for sure!

    1. Fun too! I bet you could do many things with this exercise ball because everything is modifiable – is that even a word? Happy exercising!

    1. After that week – my abs hurt for 3 days afterwards because of being out of shape – I literally only worked out for 5- minutes when I rolled 3 1-min planks (very difficult) and 2 -25 bicycles! hehe

  11. This exercise dice think is so cool! I can see how fun it would be to not know what you’re going to roll. I will keep this in mind!

  12. I just embarked on a 500k with my sister. You read that right. 500. I had to drop out because of medical issues, but she finished the race! I’ve already started training for the next one!

    1. Wow! 500K? My limit is 1/4 marathon because of my back issues! 5k one hundred times! Wow just wow! I have friends that do 50ks but never heard of a 500k. Awesome accomplishment!

  13. I’m at the point of “I have to start doing this again” part of my workout routine. Trying to make it more enjoyable – because we have to keep moving!

  14. I love the idea of the exercise dice! I work in a gym and i’ll definitely be showing our Fitness Instructors this post and looking at investing in a dice for our classes! It’s a great way to get the members involved.

  15. This is quite interesting. I get ‘bored’ easily having to do the same predictable routines, but this could add some suspense to each workout session.

  16. Oh my goodness, I love the exercise dice! I love the idea of doing this quickly after my runs to add to my workout!😍

  17. Great way to get started. So many people use the excuse that a gym membership is too expensive, but all you need is motivation and some good at home workouts! Thanks for sharing!

    1. I have always needed to pay extra to be held accountable – if you are paying for something you are more likely to do it right? So–now it is really only up to me since I am no longer shelling out $$$$. We shall see!

  18. You are so right when you said that you lose it so quickly when you slack. Tough to build back up again! Glad you’re getting back on track. Now it’s my turn…thanks for the inspiration!

  19. I totally agree with you to ease in if you haven’t exercised in a while. I won’t even lie my exercise ends at most day four no matter the motivation. My body is like— we’re done, no more. But also with the nature of my work, I’m always on the move so I think that counts. 🙂

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